I started my Menopause journey in 2020. 2 years after I had my partial hysterectomy. I was at work and noticed I was having heart palpitations. So severe I went to my PCP who put me on a 2 week heart monitor. It didn’t turn out to be anything severe, so I was back a square 1…what is happening to me. The job I was at really started stressing me out, so I left it in search of finding a new one. Little did I know that the stress I was feeling was not something I was used to. Now you have your normal stresses in life, but menopausal stress is an emotional roller coaster that unless you realize what is going on, you will become overwhelmed. I started to notice all of these body aches and brain fog that was coming at me from all different angles. I had gotten a temp job working at a Hospital to help with all of the people getting vaccinated during COVID and would sometimes work 10 hour shifts. I was on my feet most of the time and the pain in my legs hurt so bad. Not knowing all of my joint pain was related to my menopause. I must say I did do such a good job that I got hired full time with that same Hospital I was temping for and have been there ever since. But during the past 4 1/2 years I have been to the ER and Urgent care many times with URI’s, heart palpitations, thinking its been my diabetes or possible Lupus. It was thought that I may have Lupus in my thirties so with all of the joint pain I thought it was possible and have been trying to rule that out among many other ailments. My diabetes is well controlled thankfully. I have been sent to a Rheumatologist and we have ruled out Lupus and RA. Still need to get a biopsy to rule out Sjrogrens. But we have discovered that I am Vitamin D deficient. I broke my wrist 01/02/24 and it made total sense. The Dr. wrote to me and let me know about the Vitamin D and how much I need to take for 3 months and then decrease every month after that. When I researched menopause and Vitamin D it hit me like a lighting bolt. I am on a mission to find out everything I can to make this a more comfortable experience for my self and others if I can. You see I am not close to my mom and do not have anyone in my family to go to regarding questions about menopause and what they may have experienced. I am seeing all sorts of things on the internet that menopause is something that not a lot of women have a place to go to and vent or ask questions with direction. There is no guide book for Menopause and what is supposed to be normal and what isn’t. I did go to my GYN and got put on HRT which wasn’t the best for me. It made my blood pressure go up to 160/97, So I quit that for sure and started looking into more natural hormonal options. I’m using a roll on of Wild Yam, with red clover, chaste tree berry, cramp bark, milk thistle, and oat straw. I roll it on to my wrists morning and night for 3 weeks and 1 week off just as if I had my cycle. So far it is working for me. I notice fewer hot flashes. I know a lot of people incorporate black cohosh and it works for them. But now that I know about the Vitamin D deficiency, that will do wonders once I can build that back up to normal. I have started walking more to incorporate exercise into my routine. I am also reading that as we get older we lose so much muscle and really need to work at building strength. i don’t need to have a falling accident. I am to young for that. Whatever I find out a long the way on my Menopausal AF journey I will be on here sharing my info in hope that it can help someone else. My blog is very raw and I am just saying things like it is for me. I do not want to mislead anyone with any medical anything because we are all different and need to go to the Dr. for ourselves to find out what is best for ourselves. But I am more that happy to share my journey so that Menopause isn’t such a hell to be in.
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